7 questions you need answered before you Employ a Solicitor

  1. Can you tell me what is going to cost now ?

Yes if you’re buying or selling property we give you a three-page written Quote outlining the professional fee vat and outlays. You need to go to our website and fill in the Conveyancing Cost Calculator to give us the details.

Within 24 hours we assess what’s involved and  we will  send you a  reply email without obligation to use our services .

2. Will there be any hidden extras?

When we issue a written quote that usually covers all matters to conclusion.

The section 150 letter referred to as a phrase which allows us to increase the charge in certain circumstances. From our experience this is not frequent.

We have had examples where contracts are prepared but the intended purchaser having looked at the title to the property and the terms of the contract decides not to go ahead. Another case revolved round a person changing the financial institution for a better rate having already got one loan pack issued. Again this all involves extra work at our end and we reserve the right to charge for that extra work based on the time record on the file.

3. What steps are necessary before we can start working together and I Employ a Solicitor?

Once you accept our Quote we ask you to sign our Letter of Engagement called a section 150 letter. This outlines the basis of working with you and you have a signed agreement in relation to the same as on the Quote.

If you are selling you need to employ an auctioneer to bring matters to get a sale. We can give you a recommendation on this.

If you are buying you need to have your loan offer if you are borrowing or full amounts of cash available if you’re a cash buyer.

4. How Often Will We Need to Meet ?

These days email correspondence is everywhere and is a particular benefit for keeping you in touch right up to date on developments on your sale or purchase.

We will need to meet you to sign up your loan approval details and give us the  Authority to give an Undertaking to the Bank to process your loan so we can put the Bank Charge on your property. Depending on where your location is we might only need to meet  once. All other matters can be by email ,Zoom call and even WhatsApp for important confidential matters. 

For sellers once the contracts come back signed by the buyers we need to meet you. At that stage we usually have all the closing documents prepared in advance. Once we have your bank account details we can transfer the funds electronically. So we may literally only need to meet once and again contact in between by Zoom and email works satisfactorily.

5.  Where  Do We Meet If We Have To ?

We are based at 47 John St, Sligo but can arrange to meet at any outside venue given reasonable notice. We have signed contracts in the front rooms and kitchens of dwelling houses around the country , drafted and witnessed Wills at the bedside of seriously ill people in hospital.

 In litigation matters we have dealt with all issues concerning a settlement in various court houses around the country. 

With the arrival of Zoom video calls  we see less need to have face-to-face meetings.

6.  Who will be looking after me ?

The team here at the office in 2023 are myself Michael Monahan as principal and as principal I am involved in the daily processing of work in the office.

Caroline will be one of the liaison team members together with Hillary working on the sale and purchase of property.

While we sometimes work remotely there is no loss of contact or service as we are network linked to the office from remote locations.

7.  Do you have a website so we can see a little more about you? 

Yes our website is www.michaelmonahansolicitor.ie which has a large amount of information in relation to the purchase and sale of property and other legal services that we provide