Is Your Confidential Info at Risk? Confidential information is the very lifeblood of many businesses and, if it is removed without authority by untrustworthy employees, it can be very hard to retrieve. As...
Garda Awarded €25k for 7 Hour Stand-Off A Garda who spent seven hours talking down an armed man who had just killed his wife until he agreed to surrender has been awarded €25,000 compensation for emotional...
Have you Uk Business debt that needs collecting before Brexit?
If you’re owed money by a UK business or individual you should be taking steps to recover it now as uncertainty over what will happen on Brexit day on 29 March 2019, when the UK leaves the EU, could...
I Won’t Be My Ex-Wifes Cash Machine For Life!
In family law matters we always look in this country at what happens across the water in the UK in relation to developments in family law. There was a recent case in England where a husband had a...
Personal Injury
€75k damages for schoolboy who lost part of finger in metal chair
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Family awarded €650k after death of mother in caesarean birth
The family of a woman who died hours after undergoing an emergency caesarean section have settled their action for nervous shock against the maternity hospital. The High Court heard that the woman,...
Enduring Power of Attorney and the HSE , Prime Time 2018
Enduring Power of Attorney, HSE , Prime Time Listen in to Michael Monahan discuss the issue of Enduring Power of Attorney with Niall Delaney OceanFM Many people in Ireland are worried about ways to...
Landlord and Tenants Potent Mix
Calling all employers to take note of ruling
Legal ruling reminds employers that they must find out why employees have rejected any alternative job offers in potential redundancy before refusing to pay them redundancy money [video width="852"...
“Rape Myths”-Bring the Jury Back to Reality
New guidelines should be issued to judges on how to warn juries against prejudicial stereotypes of rape complainants. That’s according to one leading expert and author who has said that Ireland...
Divorce – Ireland 1-v- England 0
Why you might be better off applying for a divorce in Ireland even if you live in England. We were often told in the past that we are not a modern liberal society in our marriage and divorce laws...