To initiate a claim against a parent's estate, one must consider the following legal principles and statutory provisions: 1. Eligibility to Claim: There is no prescribed age limit for lodging a...
A vital early step if you want to challenge a Will … a caveat!
A vital early step if you want to challenge a Will ... a caveat! If you want to challenge a Will and don’t consider filing a ‘caveat’, you’re missing out on a valuable protection, which will stop...
Will Challenges…….Top 10 procedures to get to a Hearing.
Wills Challenge ….10 procedures to get to a Hearing. I take it that by reading this Blog you feel you have justifiable reasons to think you have been omitted from a will whether a member of family...
Will the Farm be Mine?
Will the Farm be Mine? I worked on the farm for years on the basis it will be left to me after my parents time. How do I make sure that is transferred to me? It seems very strange in modern Ireland...
How do I Challenge a Will ?……. 2023 update
You may have read some of our earlier blogs dealing with the subject in which we have outlined that children (usually adults at the time this issue comes up) have no automatic right to inherit from...
Q&A – Wills, Children, and Inheritance Rights
Unlike the provisions surrounding marriage/a spouse, a child does not have any specific Inheritance Rights to a share of their deceased parent’s inheritance depending on whether or not a will has...
Spousal Inheritance Rights – What You Need to Know When your Spouse Dies
Spousal Inheritance Rights The passing of your spouse can be a traumatic and life-altering event, one that can be made all the more difficult if uncertainties or confusion arise around your...
I want to leave the farm to my son!
I want to leave the farm to my son who works with me but am worried my other four children could challenge my Will after I am gone. I came across this article recently in the media and reply given...
Just Thinking of Challenging a Will in 2023 ?
Here’s What You Need to Know:- The Section of the Succession Act 1965 is Section 117. The phrase that applications are based on is – Has your parent failed in their moral duty to provide for you...
7 Top Tips if you have been left out of a Will
7 Top Tips if you have been left out of a Will The provisions of the Succession Act 1965, in particular Section 117, relate to an application by children of the Deceased for a claim under the...
So you want to challenge a Will in 2022 ? Section 117 is the relevant law answered.
If anybody is reading up on this particular area they will know that the relevant piece of legislation in Ireland is the Succession Act 1965 and in particular, section 117. The Section 117 is...
12 Things You Need To Know When Challenging a Will
12 Things You Need To Know When Challenging a Will There has been an increase in legal actions taken by persons who wish to challenge a Will . With increasing prosperity in Ireland over the past...